Thursday 14 August 2014

Last but not least

Over the last week we have been watching the last pair of Razorbills on a small ledge at the Pinnacles and everyday we have been wondering if they will still be there the next day.

Well today was the day they left....

We watched them this morning on our first trip and then the second trip but by the time we got to the last trip they were gone or so we thought.

The parents know where to be seen but all of a sudden we heard a call and the baby Razorbill walked to the edge of the cliff face. Two seconds later the chicks parents arrived from the other side of the Pinnacles and they were calling too.

One of the Razorbills disappeared under the water but we never seen that one again, but the other stayed calling.  Now I don't know why they don't call the chick a "Jumpling" like the Guillemot chicks are called, as they do the same thing and I'm sure its the father who takes care of the chick after that but it was just amazing to watch and to hear them both calling.

With all the other seabirds around in the height of the season sometimes all you can hear is the Guillemots but this the is the first time I have ever heard the Razorbills call and because no other seabirds are around its quite something. To me its sounds a bit like a Arr in a crocky voice but I might be totally wrong.

We hung around for a little bit but I did not want to put it off so I decided to stay well away.

Anyway I don't know if this is a late record for the Farnes but I will try and find out tomorrow, but for now here are a few pictures I got today.


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